What on Earth is Christian Worship?
PDF file
Dr Digby L. James
Marriage Amendment: On the Horns of a Dilemma
by Phillip A. Ross
President George W. Bush has called for an amendment to the Constitution in order to stop the encroachment of those who want access to the various federal and state benefits that are accorded to married couples… >>more
Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ
by Phillip A. Ross
Last evening (4/28/05) President Bush held a televised news conference. He was asked to speak about whether faith was being politicized. In his response he said, "I view religion as a personal matter." A few moments later he repeated this thought, "I believe faith is a personal issue." … >>more
Body & Soul — Spirit
by Phillip A. Ross
I bought a new Reformation Study Bible, edited by R.C. Sproul, and was reading Genesis 2 and the various comments and notes this morning. A brief article on page 10 discusses the composition of a human person. … >>more
Necessary Christian Reading
by Adam T. Ross
The following is a bibliography of recommended reading for all Christians, regardless of denomination. I have included enough books in the list to sufficiently challenge something for everybody. We should not look at challenges to where we are as evil things but as opportunities to expand our knowledge of God, "Christianity," and the Church.… >>more