Phillip A. Ross

Practically Christian image Practically Christian - Applying James Today
Practically Christian offers a fresh and insightful application of the ancient Christian epistle of James to the contemporary American Evangelical world. Against the Antinomian backdrop of a Christianity shaped by the Church Growth Movement, Practically Christian puts teeth into Christianity, pressing for a practical realism in order to restore some theological balance and sanity to the practice of the faith.
$13.50 Now $7.95 (41% reduction!) plus shipping, second edition, 135 pages, Kindle version $2.99

Book Marking God's Word - Understanding Jesus.
Contemporary Western churches are a wreck, regardless of denominational affiliation or lack thereof. Mainline churches have been in serious decline for 50 years. The so-called contemporary churches are simply picking up transfer growth from other churches. Saying that there is a problem is one thing, but clearly defining the problem is something else. That something else is the subject of Marking God's Word. Clearly, there is much confusion in and out of the church about Christianity. Is confusion about the gospel of Jesus Christ new to the Modern and/or Postmodern world? That is the question that has haunted this treatment of Mark. Marking God's Word will help you see the gospel with new eyes, from a perspective that is obscured by sin and selfishness. Yet, this is not a new perspective. Rather, it is an old perspective that has a long and noble history of reformation and revival. Come, see Christ again, for the first time.
$21.95 Now $14.95 (31% reduction!) plus shipping, second edition, 318 pages

Book Acts of Faith - Kingdom Advancement
Acts of the Apostles continues the story of Jesus after His death. The story of the misunderstanding of the gospel among those who personally knew Jesus continues in the ministry of Paul. Paul, who was knocked off his high horse and thrown to the ground against his will and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit, came to see that he had been completely blind, and had his eyes miraculously opened. Paul — formerly the chief enemy of Christ, who became the chief disciple — took up the ministry and perspective of Jesus and began preaching the message of Christ to anyone who would listen. But Paul had the same difficulties that Jesus had — people thought he was crazy, that he didn't know what he was talking about, that he had gotten the gospel message wrong. Paul was hounded to death by the enemies of Christ, just as Jesus had been. Again, what is discovered in Acts of Faith is not a new perspective on Paul, but a very old one — the forgotten perspective of God's remnant.
$13.95 plus shipping, edition 1.10.2012, 351 pages

Book The Wisdom of Jesus Christ - In The Book of Proverbs
This study of Proverbs is an attempt to uncover the biblical message of Proverbs verse by verse in the light of Jesus Christ. We cannot pretend to be other than Christians who live on the redemption side of the Cross, while Proverbs was written on the anticipation side of the Cross. Nonetheless, the Christian faith is founded on the eternal consistency of God. God does not change. The God of Solomon, the author (and editor) of Proverbs, is the same God spoken of in the New Testament. In fact, the God of Solomon is Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thus, the present work acknowledges this fact of faith and applies it by reading Proverbs in the light of Jesus Christ.
$16.95 plus shipping, edition 1.10.2012, 419 pages

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28 March 2025 | Home > Books

Quinta Press Books

SOLD OUT!Forms of Authority in the Theology of the Elizabethan Separatists

by Alan Tovey

This book by the late Alan Tovey is his Oxford Batchelor of Divinity degree thesis. In it he examines the writings of the Elizabethan Separatists Robert Browne, Robert Harrison, Henry Barrow, John Greenwood, and John Penry to discover what it was that they based their beliefs on and why they separated from the established Church of England (though Browne later conformed under pressure).

During the reign of Elizabeth I there arose people who dissented from the established Church of England. Some sought to reform the Church of England from within in an attempt to reform and remove what they considered remaining Roman Catholic beliefs and practices. These were pejoratively known as Puritans. Others believed that there was no possibility of working within the Anglican structures, with its state control. They believed the only hope was a complete separation, as expressed by Robert Browne in his tract Reformation without Tarrying for Anie. Such people became known as Separatists. They were treated harshly by the state authorities, Barrow, Greenwood and Penry suffering execution on the charge of sedition. These Separatists suffered and some died for the views they held. Where did their ideas come from? What was their basis for authority? It is this question that Alan Tovey’s Oxford B.D. thesis seeks to answer.

William Alan Colwyn Tovey (always known as Alan) was born in 1942 in the small Welsh village of Hafodyrynys. He studied for the ministry at Memorial College, Swansea between 1961 and 1964 before moving on to Mansfield College, Oxford, where he studied between 1964 and 1968, being awarded an MA in 1971. He was a travelling secretary in Wales for IVF between 1969 and 1974. In 1974 he became the minister of Latimer Memorial Congregational Church in Beverley, East Yorkshire. In the same year he married Lucy Thomas. In 1989 Alan became the General Secretary of An Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches, a position he held until his death. He published several articles and book reviews in Journals, especially on the subject of Separatism. With Michael Plant, he edited Telling Another Generation to mark the silver jubilee of the foundation of EFCC. He died in November 2002 and is buried at Hafodyrynys.

£15.00+£3.00p&p.Thomas Barnes of Farnworth and the Quinta: A Chronicle of a Life, 1812–1897

by Jennifer Barnes

An account of the life of a nineteenth century cotton master and businessman who left his mark as a Liberal politician and Christian philanthropist on his home town of Farnworth in Lancashire, on his adopted home in Shropshire and on Victorian England as a whole. He was the builder of the Quinta Congregational Chapel and the Quinta Congregational Sunday School.

£7.50+£1.25p&p.When God came to North Wales

Edited by Philip Eveson

Much of what has been written on the Welsh Revival of 1904–05 has focused attention on Evan Roberts and South Wales. But at the same time that Roberts was commencing his work in Loughor, near Swansea, remarkable scenes were taking place quite independently in North East Wales under the powerful preaching of R.B. Jones. In North West Wales similar experiences were being witnessed.

This book gives an account of the revival that hit the coal-mining village of Rhosllanerchrugog near Wrexham and the slate-quarrying village of Bethesda near Bangor.

There was a booklet produced in 1905 recounting the weekly events surrounding the Rhos revival as seen through the eyes of the local newspaper reporter. For the first time this has been translated from the Welsh into English and is included in the present work. For the Bethesda revival the eyewitness accounts and thoughts from the diaries of the Welsh bard J.T. Job have been used.

£60.00The Works of George Whitefield on CD-ROM

This is a facsimile AND reset (i.e., readable) version of the 1771/1772 edition including letters, tracts and sermons plus additional sermons published in the 19th century, Gillies 1772 memoir of Whitefield, Whitefield's Journals, Whitefield's Tabernacle Hymn Book and some additional letters that have been published in the 20th century, a book of Whitefield Anecdotes, Gledstone's biography, Andrews biography, Philip's biography, Tyerman's biography (as facsimile only), images of Whitefield paintings from some of the old books and some photographs of Whitefield related places in and around Gloucester, Bristol and Newburyport (where he died on 30 September 1770).

£18.00+£2.70p&pAnecdotes of George Whitefield

by J.B. Wakeley

A brief biography of George Whitefield and a collection of anecdotes about him. It is from this volume that the quote about Whitefield not expecting to see Wesley in heaven - as Wesley would be so much nearer the throne.

£REPRINTINGVisible Saints: The Congregational Way 1640-1660

by Geoffrey F. Nuttall

(currently being prepared for a reprint)

This is a collection of Dr Nuttall's essays written over a period of 50 years examining various aspects of the history of English Nonconformity.

£30.00+£4.50p&pEarly Quaker Studies and the Divine Presence

by Geoffrey F. Nuttall

This is a collection of Dr Nuttall's essays on the origins and development of early Quakerism and his writings on spiritual subjects, including some of his sermons.

£25.00+£3.75p&pDissertation on the Death of Christ

by Bishop John Davenant

Davenant was an English delegate to the Synod of Dort and, in his later years, Bishop of Salisbury. In this highly regarded work he examines the issue of the extent of Christ's atonement and answer's the question "for whom did Christ die?" Davenant expounds the relevant Scriptures and interacts with earlier authors. Originally written in Latin it was translated in the 1830s and published as an appendix to his commentary on Colossians (now reprinted, without this appendix, but the Banner of Truth Trust).

£22.50+£3.37p&pThe Atonement

by R.W. Dale

This book comprises Dale's Congregational Library Lectures and are considered by many to be the best book he wrote and one of the best on the subject of the atonement. It helped Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones to a better understanding of the work of Christ and is highly rated by John Stott and Alec Motyer. He gives a very helpful listing of all the Scriptures that relate to the subject of the Atonement. The way Dale tackles the subject, and his interaction with unbeliving scholars who objected to the idea of a substitutionary atonement, you are left with the feeling, 'This is what the Bible teaches'.

£5.00+£0.75p&pJonah: Patriot and Prophet

by David Ephraim Hart-Davies

Hart-Davies was a Church of England rector of St Thomas's Church, Edinburgh. He wrote this book in order to explain what the book of Jonah is about. Why did Jonah flee to Tarsish? Was did he moan at the end of the book? This is one of those books that, when you finish reading it, you think to yourself "That was so obvious - why did I not see that before."

£5.00+£0.75p&pThe Severity of God

by David Ephraim Hart-Davies

Written in 1943, Hart-Davies vindicates the ways of God with men in those places where people have difficulty understanding why God appears, at times, to be harsh. He deals with the judgement by the Flood of the people at the time of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, Elisha and the Bears, Ananias and Sapphira, and general comments of the relevance of these issues for us today.

£7.95+£1.75p&pThe Standard Bearer: A Biography of Charles Oxley

by David Raynor

Charles Oxley was a campaigner for public morals, a defender of biblical truth and founder of Christian schools.

£5.00+£0.75p&pChristian Fellowship or The Church Member's Manual

by John Angell James edited and abridged by Gordon T. Booth

Published 2 May 1997. 64 page booklet. This edited and abridged version removes the wordiness of the original. It deals with the way churches should be governed and how church members should relate to each other, to their pastor and to other churches. Churches buying 10 copies or more receive a 33% discount.

£13.00+£1.95p&pManual of Congregational Principles

by RW Dale

A new edition published in November 1996. This is the definitive statement of Congregational church government, which is practiced by the majority of independent churches. Dale's believed in "Christian Universalism" and indiscriminate baptism. In spite of these two aberrations, the book has great value, examining in detail the New Testament teaching on the church and how it should be governed.

Words ed. £15.00+£3p&p.Hymns for a Tabernacle (Expanded Edition)

by Gordon T. Booth

First published May 1993 as a collection of 54 new hymns by the former Congregational minister, this expanded edition contains the original 54 hymns and takes the total to over 200. The cover is a photograph of Gordon standing behind his own gravestone in the 1990s. He died in 2013 at the age of 91.

£1.00+£0.15p&pSinners in the Hands of an Angry God

by Jonathan Edwards

The famous sermon by the great philosopher-theologian of the Great Awakening in New England. This should be read and absorbed by all real Christians.

£5.00+£0.75p&pGreek to the Rescue!

by Terence Peter Crosby

Dr Crosby is a Classicist who has given numerous talks to church groups about the subtleties of the Greek New Testament that are so often lost in translation. This small book is designed for the average Christian who does not know Greek and has no intention of learning. It gives several examples of how a knowledge of Greek would help in the understanding of several passages. for example, why did Paul get angry with the slave girl in Acts 16? The Greek reveals the reason. 86pp paperback.

£10.00+£1.50p&pA City Not Forsaken

by Richard Stonelake

This is a history of Shatesbury Avenue Chapel in central London written by one of the deacons. A second edition has now been published which brings the story up to date with the closure of the church and the opening of a Chinese Church within the building.

£7.95+£1.20p&pThe Rise and Fall of British Republican Clubs 1871-1874

by Christopher J Rumsey

This is a political and not a religious work. It provides the fullest account to date of the 100 or so working-class republican clubs that were established in Britain between 1871 and 1874. Too often the historiographical treatment of these clubs has been generic ('More than 50 republican clubs were formed in large towns and cities…'). Instead, by a detailed investigation of primary sources, this study identifies the individual clubs and traces when and where they were formed. It also provides a multi-dimensional profile of the club movement and explains the reasons for its failure. All this is interwoven with the contemporary political scene, involving such key players as Dilke and Gladstone, but equally important for this purpose, Bradlaugh and Odger. What emerges is a fascinating account of a unique period in modern British history — the only time that the monarchy has been subject to any noteworthy challenge from republicanism. As such, it provides an interesting historical background to current debates about the future of the Crown.

Christopher Rumsey B.A. (Hons), M.Sc., M.A., F.R.S.A. is currently researching the political career of P.A. Taylor (1819-91), M.P. for Leicester.

The Argument of the Book of Job Unfolded

by WH Green

This book, which we were going to publish, was taken over by the Banner of Truth and has been published under the title Conflict and Triumph. This is a slightly updated version of Green's classic treatise on the book of Job. We took the opportunity to remove the archaic language to make it more understandle to a modern audience. It is not a detailed commentary but gives an insight into the main themes of Job and provides a doorway into the meaning of Job that is often missed by a superficial reading of the book. "This is a wonderful book" —Hywel R Jones, former Editorial Director, The Banner of Truth Trust.

£5.00+£0.75p&pThe Anxious Inquirer

by John Angell James

This book was the means of salvation for a great many Victorians. Its language makes it unsuitable to give to unbelievers as an evangelistic tool today, but is ideal as a manual for Christians who want to know how best to handle those who have become concerned for their eternal welfare and require suitable counsel as to how they may seek salvation in Christ.

£5.00+£0.75p&pOn Eagle's Wings

by Hazel Stapleton

ME is a misunderstood illness that afflicts Christians and non-Christians alike. Hazel Stapleton explains what the illness is and gives pratical advice to sufferers on how to live with it.

£10.00+£1.50p&pAlbania:the Cost

by David Young

A collection of accounts of the sufferings of the church in Albania during the 20th century gathered together by the director of the Albanian Evangelical Mission.

£30+postageThe Religious Revival in Wales

by "Awstin" and other special correspondents of the Western Mail

600pp hardback

This is a collection of the articles that were published during the revival by the Western Mail. The newspaper gathered the articles together and published them as a series of seven pamphlets. As well as the contemporary accounts there are also numerous photographs and cartoons relating to the revival.

£25+postageThe Welsh Religious Revival 1904-05:

A Restrospect and Critique

by J Vyrnwy Morgan

Dr Morgan was concerned that elements of the revival, especially those associated with Evan Roberts, were excessive, and he seeks to analyse these, and the long term effects of the revival.