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We have a large number of books that are either a long way from publication or will probably never be economically viable to print. So we will be placing PDF files of those books here. Most of them will be unproofread and therefore may have numerous typographical errors within them. For that reason you will not be able to print these files. If you come across any typos in them, please let us know.
The lines across the page in these PDFs indicate the start of a new page in the original book, followed by the page number.
More recent books have a manual line break at the same place as in the original as an aid to proof-reading. This makes the text look somewhat stretched.
Click on the links below (the PDF will probably open within the browser) or right click on the link and select "Download linked file" which will download the file to your downloads folder.
Not all of these authors take an evangelical view of Scripture, particularly R.W. Dale and P.T. Forsyth. However, they say other helpful things which makes them worth reading.
There are also PDFs by or about George Whitefield (a new edition of his Journals and rare sermons) on the following pages:
Unreprinted sermons
New Edition of the Journals
Dr Edmund Calamy (1671–1732)
The number appearing after Edmund Calamy's name refers to the number of the list of his writings found in Alan Clifford, Calamy Celebrated (Peterborough, ON: H&E Publishing, 2021).
Edmund Calamy: 7. An Abridgement Mr Baxter's History of his Life and Times, first edition, 1702
Edmund Calamy: 7. An Abridgement Mr Baxter's History of his Life and Times, second edition, Volume 1, 1713 (updated 25 May 2011)
Edmund Calamy: 7. An Account of the Ministers, Lecturers, Masters and Fellows of Colleges and Schoolmasters, who were ejected or Silenced after the Restoration in 1660. By, or before, the Act of Uniformity, second edition, Volume 2, 1713
Edmund Calamy: 39. A Continuation of the Account of the Ministers, Lecturers, Masters and Fellows of Colleges and Schoolmasters, who were ejected or Silenced after the Restoration in 1660 by or before the Act of Uniformity, Volume 1, 1727
Edmund Calamy: 39. A Continuation of the Account of the Ministers, Lecturers, Masters and Fellows of Colleges and Schoolmasters, who were ejected or Silenced after the Restoration in 1660 by or before the Act of Uniformity, second edition, Volume 2, 1727
Edmund Calamy: 1. Exercitationes Philosophicæ de Fictis Innutarum idearum mysteriis, Pars secunda, quam, favente Deo Opt. Max. sub præsidio M. Gerardi de Vries, Philosophiæ Doctoris, ejusdem facultatis in illustri Academia Ultrajectina Professoris Ordinarii publicè ventilandam proponit Edmundus Calamy, Londino-Anglus, ad diem 8 Decemb. horis locoque solitis. Trajecti ad Rhenum [Utrecht] officina Francisci Halma, Academiæ typographi 1688. No copy found
Edmund Calamy: 2. A Funeral Sermon, preached at the Interment of Mr Samuel Stephens, 1694
Edmund Calamy: 3. A Practical Discourse Concerning Vows: with a Special Reference to Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, 1697
Edmund Calamy: 4. A Funeral Sermon, preached Upon Occasion of the Decease of Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, 1698
Edmund Calamy: 5. A Sermon preach’d before the Societies for Reformation of Manners, in London and Middlesex, upon Monday, Febr. 20. 1698/9, 1699
Edmund Calamy: 6. A Discourse concerning the Rise and Antiquity of Cathedral Worship. Anon. 1699. This appears to be wrongly attributed to Edmund Calamy. It appears to have been written by his uncle Benjamin Calamy. The copy available on EEBO is missing at least two early pages.
Edmund Calamy: 8. Divine Mercy Exalted; or Free Grace in all its glory. Being a Sermon on Rom. ix. 16., 1703
Edmund Calamy: 9. A Defence of Moderate Nonconformity. Part I, 1703
Edmund Calamy: 10. A Defence of Moderate Nonconformity. Part II, 1704
Edmund Calamy: 11. A Defence of Moderate Nonconformity. Part III, 1705
Edmund Calamy: 12. A Funeral Sermon Occasion’d by the Sudden Death of the Reverend Mr. Matthew Sylvester, 1708
Edmund Calamy: 13. A Funeral Sermon Occasion’d by the much Lamented death of Mrs. Frances Lewis, 1708
Edmund Calamy: 14. A Funeral Sermon Occasion’d by the Decease of Mr. Michael Watts, Citizen and Haberdasher of London, 1708
Edmund Calamy: 15. Mr. Calamy’s Caveat against New Prophets, 1708
Edmund Calamy: 16. Sir Richard Bulkely’s Remarks on the Caveat against New Prophets Considered, 1708
Edmund Calamy: 17. A Sermon Upon Occasion of the many Late Bankrupts, 1709
Edmund Calamy: 18. The Inspiration of the Holy Writings, 1710
Edmund Calamy: 19. Comfort and Counsel to Protestant Dissenters, 1712
Edmund Calamy: 20. Prudence of the Serpent and Innocence of the Dove, 1713
Edmund Calamy: 21. Obadiah’s Character: a Sermon to Young People, 1714
Edmund Calamy: 22. Queries humbly proposed to my Lords the Bishops, Upon Occasion of the Bill new Depending in the House of Peers, to prevent (as is pleased) the growth of Schism, 1714
Edmund Calamy: 23. Seasonableness of Religious Societies, 1714
Edmund Calamy: 24. God’s Concern for his Glory in the British Isles and The Security of Christ’s Church from the Gates of Hell, 1715
Edmund Calamy: 25. The Principles and Practice of Moderate Nonconformists with Respect to Ordination, Exemplify’d, 1717
Edmund Calamy: 26. Sobermindedness Recommended, 1717
Edmund Calamy: 27. The Repeal of the Act Against Occasional Conformity Consider’d In a Letter to a Member of the Honourable House of Commons, 1717
Edmund Calamy: 28. A Letter to Mr. Archdeacon Echard, upon occasion of his History of England: wherein the true Principles of the Revolution are Defended, The Whigs and Dissenters Vindicated; Several Persons of Distincttion clear’d from Aspersions; and a Number of Historical Mistakes Rectify’d., 1718
Edmund Calamy: 29. The Church and the Dissenters Compared, as to Persecution, 1719
Edmund Calamy: 30. Discontented Complaints of the Present Times prov’d Unreasonable, 1720
Edmund Calamy: [unlisted]. Truth and Love. A Discourse from Ephesians iv. 15. 1720
Edmund Calamy: 31. Sermon by S. Wright A Sermon on II Timothy I. 13. Preach’d at the Ordination of Mr. Obadiah Hughes, Mr. Tho. Newman, & Mr. Clerk Oldsworth, Mr. John Smith. with The Charge given to those that were Ordained, By Edmund Calamy, D.D., 1721
Edmund Calamy: 32. Thirteen Sermons of the Trinity, 1722
Edmund Calamy: 33. The Ministry of the Dissenters Vindicated, First Edition, 1724
Edmund Calamy: 33. The Ministry of the Dissenters Vindicated, Second Edition, 1724 (includes Calamy's response: A Letter to the Anonymous Author of a Pamphlet intitled, The Ministry of Dissenters prov’d to be null and void, from Scripture and Antiquity.)
Edmund Calamy: 34. Memoir of the Life of John Howe 1724
Edmund Calamy: 35. The word of God the Young Man’s best Directory: A Sermon, 1725
Edmund Calamy: 36. A sermon Preach’d at Newport-Pagnel, Upon Occasion of the Ordination of Mr. William Hunt. By Mr. Jabez Earle. With a Charge to Mr. Hunt by Edmund Calamy. And a charge to the People by Mr. John Troughton, 1725
Edmund Calamy: 37. A Funeral Sermon for the Late Reverend Mr John Sheffield, 1726
Edmund Calamy: 38. A Funeral Sermon For the Late Reverend Mr. Joseph Bennet, Minister of the Gospel, 1726
Edmund Calamy: 40. A Funeral Sermon For the Late Reverend Mr. John Mottershed, Minister of the Gospel, 1729
Edmund Calamy: [unlisted]. A Letter to a Divine in Germany, giving a brief, but true, Account of the Protestant Dissenters in England, 1736
Edmund Calamy: Gospel Ministers, the Salt of the Earth, being a sermon, [on Mat. v. 13,] preached to Ministers of the three Denominations, in and about the cities of London and Westminster, in the Public Library of Dr. Daniel Williams, situated in Red Cross-street, in the parish of St. Giles Cripplegate, on October 28, 1731. It appears this was never published. According to the manuscript catalogue of Dr Williams's Library it is part of its manuscript collection, and is bound together with five other ministers' sermons.
Daniel Mayo: The Funeral Sermon preached following the Death of Dr. Edmund Calamy by Daniel Mayo, 1732
Edmund Calamy: An Historical Account of My Own Life, volume 1 (edited by John Towell Rutt), 1829
Edmund Calamy: An Historical Account of My Own Life, volume 2 (edited by John Towell Rutt), 1830 (second edition)
Farewell sermons preached just prior to the Great Ejection on Bartholomew's Day, 24 August 1662
James Alexander Haldane: A view of the social worship and ordinances observed by the first Christians, drawn from the sacred Scriptures alone. being an attempt to enforce their divine obligation; and to represent the guilt and evil consequences of neglecting them.
Merle D'Aubigné's History of the Reformation at the Time of Calvin
The following 8 volumes should not be confused with the History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. It is from this set that the Banner of Truth's History of the Reformation in England volume 2 is taken. We are using Thomas Spurgeon's copy of this set for proof-reading (given to him by Mrs D'Aubigné after her husband's death).
JH Merle D'Aubigné: History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin Volume 1
JH Merle D'Aubigné: History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin Volume 2
JH Merle D'Aubigné: History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin Volume 3
JH Merle D'Aubigné: History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin Volume 4
JH Merle D'Aubigné: History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin Volume 5
JH Merle D'Aubigné: History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin Volume 6
JH Merle D'Aubigné: History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin Volume 7
JH Merle D'Aubigné: History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin Volume 8
Richard Baxter
Numbers indicate the numbering system of A.G. Matthews as listed in Geoffrey Nuttall's biography of Baxter (Nelson, 1965)
1. Richard Baxter: Aphorisms of Justification (first edition 1649, this edition 1655)
11. Richard Baxter: A Sermon of Judgment (first edition 1655, this edition 1658)
17. Richard Baxter: Gildas Salvianus: the Reformed Pastor (1656)
32. Richard Baxter: A Call to the Unconverted (1658)
Richard Baxter: Of the imputation of Christ’s righteousness to believers (1675)
68. Richard Baxter: More Reasons for the Christian Religion (1672)
96. Richard Baxter: Compassionate Counsel to all Young-Men Especially I. London-Apprentices. II. Students of Divinity, Physick, and Law. III. The Sons of Magistrates and Rich Men (1681)
97. Richard Baxter: Breviate of the Life of Margaret Baxter (1681)
134. Richard Baxter: Penitent Confession (1691)
135. Richard Baxter: The Certainty of the Worlds of Spirits (1691)
136. Richard Baxter: The Protestant Religion truely stated (1692), edited by D. Williams and M Sylvester
137. Richard Baxter: The Grand Question Resolved: What we must do to be saved (1692)
138. Richard Baxter: Mr. Richard Baxter’s Paraphrase on the Psalms of David in Metre, with other Hymns (1692)
139. Richard Baxter: Universal Redemption (1694), edited by J. Reade and M Sylvester
Peter Toon: Hypercalvinism
Dr Toon gave us permission to reprint this before his death.
H.S. Skeats and C.S. Miall: History of the Free Churches of England 1688–1891
F. J. Powicke: A Life of the Reverend Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
F. J. Powicke: The Reverend Richard Baxter Under the Cross (1662-1691)
Evan Richards: A Short Memoir of Ann Griffiths with a translation of her letters and hymns
D.M. Phillips: Evan Roberts - The Great Welsh Revivalist and his Work
J. J. Morgan: The ’59 Revival in Wales
R.B. Jones: Rent Heavens
Thomas M'Cullach: Gideon Ouseley: The Wonderful Irish Missionary
W.H. Green: The Pentateuch vindicated from the Aspersions of Bishop Colenso
W.H. Green: Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch
W.H. Green: General Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon
William Arthur: The Tongue of Fire
Lewis R. Dunn: The Mission of the Spirit
Isaac Watts: Preface to Psalms and Hymns
Robert Govett: Calvinism by Calvin
18th Century Revival
The Christian's Amusement [1740/41] Revival newspaper published by John Lewis, a supporter of George Whitefield
The Weekly History [1741/42] Revival newspaper published by John Lewis, a supporter of George Whitefield. Includes the article by Roland Austin about this series of revival newspapers.
An Account of the Most Remarkable Particulars Relating to the Present Progress of the Gospel. [1742-45] Revival newspaper published by John Lewis, a supporter of George Whitefield. Redone 2022-11-25.
The Christian History: or, a General Account of the Progress of the Gospel, in England, Wales, Scotland, and America: so far as the Rev. Mr Whitefield, his Fellow Labourers, and Assistants are concerned. [1746-48] Revival newspaper published by John Lewis, a supporter of George Whitefield.
A Short Account of the Experience of the Work of GOD, and the Revealing of Jesus Christ In the Heart of JOHN EDWARDS. Written by Himself. And published that Men may know how gracious the Lord is. The Second Edition, revised, corrected and amended (by the Author's own Hand) of some Things which escaped the first Impression. (1744, 24pp)
The Christian History for 1743 Edited by Thomas Prince and published in Boston, Massachusetts in 1744.
The Christian History for 1744 Edited by Thomas Prince and published in Boston, Massachusetts in 1745. Because of odd pagination in an earlier issue, page numbers jump from page 14 to page 17 (there are no pages 15 and 16).
An Account of the Revival of Religion in Boston in the Years 1740-1-2-3 by Thomas Prince. Republished in Boston, Massachusetts in 1823. There may be an earlier edition, but we have yet to find a copy.
William M'Cullough (Cambuslang) published The Glasgow Weekly History, based on the Weekly History, and James Robe published The Christian monthly history: or, An account of the revival and progress of religion, abroad, and at home. in Edinburgh. These are presently being prepared for inclusion here.
The following two volumes exist, we believe, in manuscript form at New College Library, Edinburgh. They were transcribed by (we think) S.M. Houghton in the mid-1960s and the typescript placed in the Evangelical Library, London. They have now been retyped by a professional typist and are being proof-read.
Autobiographical Accounts of Persons Under Spiritual Concern at Cambuslang (Glasgow) during the Revival of 1741–1743 under the direction of William M'Culluch Volume 1
Autobiographical Accounts of Persons Under Spiritual Concern at Cambuslang (Glasgow) during the Revival of 1741–1743 under the direction of William M'Culluch Volume 2
James Robe: A Short Narrative of the Extraordinary Work at Cambuslang (pp. 1-43)
James Robe: Narratives of the Extraordinary Work of the Spirit of God, at Cambuslang, Kilsyth, &c. begun 1742 (pp. i-xvi, 1-320)
D. Macfarlan: The Revivals of the Eighteenth Century particularly at Cambuslang
William Seward: Journal of a Voyage from Savannah to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia to England
Joseph Tracy: The Great Awakening
Luke Tyerman: The Life of the Reverend George Whitefield, B.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford, Volume 1
Luke Tyerman: The Life of the Reverend George Whitefield, B.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford, Volume 2
James Paterson Gledstone: The Life and Travels of the Rev. George Whitefield, M.A. (1871)
The Moorfields Preracher: being some account of the life and labours o George Whitefield
David Addison Harsha: Life of the Rev. George Whitefield
Joseph Gurney: J. Gurney's Appeal to the Public Gurney published some sermons of George Whitefield that had been taken in shorthand before Whitefield left England for the last time. He was criticised by Whitefield's Trustees for doing this and this was his justification.
John Owen: Memoir of Daniel Rowland
A sketch of the life and character of the Reverend and Pious Mr Griffith Jones of Llanddowror
John Gillies: Historical Collections relating to remarkable periods of the Success of the Gospel (also known as Historical Collections of Accounts of Revival)
Bennet Tyler: New England Revivals, as they existed at the close of the eighteenth, and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries. Compiled principally from narratives first published in the Conn. Evangelical magazine
William Reid: Authentic Records of Revival now in progress in the United Kingdom
William B. Sprague: Lectures on Revival
Ministers of the Church of Scotland: Lectures on the Revival of Religion
Accounts of Revivals in many parts of the United States from 1815 to 1818
Martin Moore: Boston Revivals 1842
Charles Atmore: Methodist Memorial
Joseph Ritson: The Romance of Primitive Methodism
John Petty: A History of the Primitive Methodist Connexion
Thomas Binney
E. Paxton Hood: Thomas Binney: His Life, Mind and Opinions
John Stoughton (ed.): Memorial of the late Thomas Binney
Thomas Binney: Conscientious Clerical Nonconformity (1839 edition)
Thomas Binney: Conscientious Clerical Nonconformity (fourth edition, 1860)
Thomas Binney: Dissent not Schism
Thomas Binney: Hints Illustrative of the Duty of Dissent
Thomas Binney: 1854: A Review of the Year
Thomas Binney: The Great Gorham Case
Thomas Binney: The Closet and the Church
Thomas Binney: Money: A Popular Exposition
Thomas Binney: The Ultimate Design of the Christian Ministry & The Christian Ministry not a Priesthood
Thomas Binney: The Ultimate Object of the Evangelical Dissenters Avowed and Advocated
Thomas Binney: The Service of Song in the House of the Lord
A Chapter on Liturgies Historical Sketches by the Rev. Charles W. Baird, (New York, U. S.) with An introductory preface, and an appendix touching the question "are dissenters to have a liturgy?" by the Rev. Thomas Binney.
Thomas Binney: An address delivered on laying the first stone of the New King's Weigh-House, a place of worship intended for the use of a congregational church
It is the Appendix of this work that Binney was accused of making the statement “The Church of England has damned more people than it has saved”. What he actually said was: “I have no hesitation about saying, that I am an enemy to the Establishment; and I do not see that a Churchman need hesitate to say, that he is an enemy to Dissent. Neither of us would mean the persons of Churchmen or Dissenters, nor the episcopal or other portions of the universal church; but the principle of the national religious establishment, which we should respectively regard as deserving, universally, opposition or support. It is with me, I confess, a matter of deep, serious, religious conviction, that the Established Church is a great national evil; that it is an obstacle to the progress of truth and godliness in the land; that it destroys more souls than it saves; and that, therefore, its end is most devoutly to be wished by every lover of God and man.”
John Search (ed.) (a pseudonym for Thomas Binney): What and who says it
Who is right, and who wrong? Correspondence between the Rev. Thomas Binney and Mr. James Grant (of the “Morning Advertiser”)
Thomas Binney: John Search's Last Words
Two Letters, by “Fiat Justitia” (a pseudonym for Thomas Binney)
Thomas Binney: Micah, the Priest-Maker
Thomas Binney: Wise Counsels: A Book for Young Men
George Smith; Thomas Binney; and John Stoughton: Christians at the Grave: Paul at the Cross: And Christ on the Mount. The Funeral Services occasioned By the Death of the late Rev. John Harris, D.D
Thomas Binney: Eighteen Fifty Four: A review of the year
Thomas Binney: Authorship: A Lecture
Thomas Binney: Righteousness exalts a nation: A Lecture
Thomas Binney: Education: Two Lectures
Thomas Binney: Sermons preached at the King's Weigh House Chapel 1829–1869
Thomas Binney: Psalms and Hymns from Holy Scripture: selected and arranged for chanting
Thomas Binney: The Practical Power of Faith (fourth edition 1870)
Edward Miall
Edward Miall: The Liberation Society: Its policy and motives
Edward Miall: The Ethics of Nonconformity and Working of Willinghood
Edward Miall: The Nonconformist's Sketch-Book
Edward Miall: The British Church in relation to the British People
Arthur Miall: The Life of Edward Miall
Congregational Principles and History
The Savoy Declaration of Faith and Order 1658 edited by A. G. Matthews (London: Independent Press, 1959)
A Congregational Church is a Catholike Visible Church by Samuel Stone (1652) or An Examination of M. Hudson his Vindication concerning the Integrality of the Catholike Visible Church Wherein also satisfaction is given to what M. Cawdrey writes touching that subject, in his Review of M. Hooker’s Survey of Church Discipline. Includes a poem by John Cotton.
Central United Bartholomew Committee: Documents relating to the Settlement of the Church of England by the Act of Uniformity of 1662 (1862)
Albert Peel: A Hundred Eminent Congregationalists
Joseph Angus: Christian Churches / John Waddington: Congregational Church History from the Reformation to 1662
Constructive Congregational Ideals edited by D. Macfadyen. Articles looking to the future from 1902 and anticipating the moves that led to the United Reformed Church. Includes essay by R.W. Dale on the Evangelizing Power of a Spiritual Fellowship
Ecclesia edited by Henry Robert Reynolds. Articles on issues of Nonconformist church practice. Includes essay by R.W. Dale on the Lord's Supper and the "Real presence"
A.D. Martin: Principles of Congregationalism
Dr Samuel Davidson: The Congregational Lecture (Thirteenth Series) (1848) The Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testament Unfolded and its points of coincidence or disagreement with prevailing systems indicated.
Ralph Wardlaw: Congregational Independency (in contradistinction to Episcopacy and Presbyterianism) the Church Polity of the New Testament
Samuel Davidson: A Handbook of Congregationalism
R.W. Dale: History of English Congregationalism
F. J. Powicke (1854–1935): John Robinson 1575?-1625
F. J. Powicke (1854–1935): Henry Barrow (1550?–1593) and The Exiled Church of Amsterdam (1593–1622)
Henry Birch: Church Establishments or the Evils resulting from the union of Church and State
Ralph Wardlaw: National Church Establishments Examined
George Redford: The Church of England Indefensible from Holy Scripture
Why I am a Methodist: A dialogue between an Episcopalian and a Methodist who formerly belonged to the Church of England
William Jay
6 May 1769-27 December 1853. Minister of Argyle Street Chapel, Bath, 1791-1853
William Jay: Autobiography
Recollections of the Rev. William Jay by Cyrus Jay (London: Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1859)
A Portraiture of William Jay of Bath by the Rev. Thomas Wallace (London: Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co., 1854)
The edition of Jay's Works we are following is the London, not the American, edition, The latter has different pagination. Jay's works are still being processed and we are still seeking Volume 10.
William Jay: Works Volume 1: Morning and Evening Exercises January to March
William Jay: Works Volume 2: Morning and Evening Exercises April to June
William Jay: Works Volume 3: Morning and Evening Exercises July to September
William Jay: Works Volume 4: Morning and Evening Exercises October to December
William Jay: Works Volume 5: Memoir of Cornelius Winter
William Jay: Works Volume 6: The Christian Contemplated
William Jay: Works Volume 7: Sermons preached on Various and particular occasions
William Jay: Works Volume 8: Memoirs of the late Rev. John Clark, Essay on Marriage, Charge to a Minister's Wife, etc.
William Jay: Works Volume 9: Twenty-four sermons preached at Argyle Chapel, Bath
William Jay: Works Volume 10: Family Prayers for Six Weeks, Morning and Evening In preparation.
William Jay: Works Volume 11: Short Discourses, to be read in families, volume I
William Jay: Works Volume 12: Short Discourses, to be read in families, volume II
William Jay: Final Discourses at Argyle Street Chapel The volume used was rebound and has "Volume 13" stamped on the spine. But there were only 12 volumes of the official Works published during Jay's lifetime.
William Jay: Prayers for the use of Families; or, the Domestic Minister's Assistant (London: Ward, Lock & Co.,n.d) This is an American edition with US spellings and prayer for the United States ("Bless the President of these United States" on page 263), though published by Ward Lock in London. The content contains only some of the material found in Volume 10 of Jay's Works. This edition contains 311 pages. The C.A. Bartlett London edition has 535 pages.
The following volumes were not included as part of Jay's Works, being compiled after his death from notes taken by his hearers.
William Jay: Sunday-Morning Sermons, preached in Argyle Chapel, Bath, from the verbatim notes of one of his hearers, edited by the Rev. R. A. Bertram.
William Jay: Sunday evening sermons and Thursday evening lectures, to which are added fourteen sermons preached on special occasions by the late Rev. William Jay, Minister of Argyle Chapel, Bath and now printed for the first time from the verbatim notes of one of his hearers edited by the Rev. R. A. Bertram.
William Jay: Mornings with Jesus, a series of Devotional Readings for the closet and the family (The series of devotional readings comprised in the present volume have been carefully prepared from first proof-reading draft notes in extenso taken in short-hand of sermons preached by Mr. Jay, principally during the last twenty-five years. That they are faithful transcripts of those rich experimental instructions and encouragements which fell from the lips of the distinguished preacher will not for a moment be questioned by those who were privileged to listen to his pulpit ministrations, or who are at all conversant with his published works.)
William Jay: Evenings with Jesus, a series of Devotional Readings for the closet and the family A series of Devotional Readings for the closet and the family. Carefully prepared from notes of sermons preached by the late Rev. William Jay, of Bath
The Jubilee Memorial: Sermons, Meetings, Presentations, and Full Account of the Jubilee commemorating the Rev. William Jay’s Fifty Years’ Ministry at Argyle Chapel, Bath
Edward Williams
14 November 1750-9 March 1813. Minister at Ross-on-Wye 1775-1777. Minister at Oswestry 1777-1791 (ran Lady Glenorchy's academy at Oswestry 1782-1791. Minister of Carr's Lane, Birmingham, 1792-1795. 1795-1813 Minister Masbrough Independent Chapel, Rotherham and theological tutor at Rotherham Academy
Edward Williams: Works Volume 1
Edward Williams: Works Volume 2
Edward Williams: Works Volume 3
Edward Williams: Works Volume 4
John Angell James
6 June 1785-1 October 1859. Minister of Carr's Lane, Birmingham, 1805-1859
John Campbell: Life of John Angell James
Life and Letters of John Angell James edited by RW Dale
John Angell James: Works Volume 1
John Angell James: Works Volume 2
John Angell James: Works Volume 3
John Angell James: Works Volume 4
John Angell James: Works Volume 5
John Angell James: Works Volume 6
John Angell James: Works Volume 7
John Angell James: Works Volume 8
John Angell James: Works Volume 9
John Angell James: Works Volume 10
John Angell James: Works Volume 11
John Angell James: Works Volume 12
John Angell James: Works Volume 13
John Angell James: Works Volume 14
John Angell James: Works Volume 15
John Angell James: Works Volume 16
John Angell James: Works Volume 17
RW Dale
1 December 1829-13 March 1895. Minister of Carr's Lane, Birmingham, 1854-1895
R.W. Dale: The Talents of Man
R.W. Dale: The Ten Commandments
R.W. Dale: The Evangelical Revival and other sermons
R.W. Dale: Christian Doctrine
R.W. Dale: Week-Day Sermons
R.W. Dale: The Old Evangelicalism and the New
R.W. Dale: The Epistle of James and other discourses
R.W. Dale: The Living Christ and the Four Gospels
R.W. Dale: Laws of Christ for Common Life
R.W. Dale: Fellowship with Christ
R.W. Dale: The Jewish Temple and the Christian Church
R.W. Dale: Christ and the Future Life
R.W. Dale: Essays and Addresses
R.W. Dale: The Epistle to the Ephesians
R.W. Dale: Impressions of Australia
R.W. Dale: The Politics of Nonconformity: A Lecture
A.W.W. Dale: The Life of R.W Dale of Birmingham
Asahel Nettleton and the Second Great Awakening
Bennet Tyler: Memoir of the Life and Character of Asahel Nettleton, D.D. (Third edition, Boston: Doctrinal Tract and Book Society, 1850)
Bennet Tyler: Life and Labours of Asahel Nettleton remodelled in some parts by Andrew A. Bonar (edited version of the above for British readers, as reprinted by the Banner of Truth Trust) Revised version uploaded 27/4/2021
Bennet Tyler (ed.): The Remains of Asahel Nettleton
The Letters of the Rev. Dr. Beecher and the Rev. Mr. Nettleton concerning "New Measures" in conducting Revivals of Religion.
An account of a Revival of Religion in Newington, the second parish in Wethersfield, Conn. in 1821 during the ministry of Asahel Nettleton.
Rev. R. Davies: Recollections of Nettleton and the Great Revival of 1820.
Heman Humphrey: Revival Sketches and Manual
Nahum Gale: The Memoir of Rev. Bennet Tyler, D.D.
William Bradshaw: English Puritanism (1641 edition)
John Cotton and New England Congregationalism
The writings of John Cotton follow the structure found in the Everett Emerson Volume John Cotton (Revised Edition) (1990)
John Cotton: Some Treasure fetched out of Rubbish: or Three short but seasonable Treatises (found in an heap of scattered Papers). (revised version 2019-05-25)
John Cotton: The Grounds and ends of the Baptism of the Children of the Faithful opened (revised version 2019-05-25)
John Cotton: A modest and Clear Answer to Mr Ball's Discourse of Set Forms of Prayer
John Cotton: The Singing of Psalms a Gospel Ordinance (revised version 2022-02-26)
The Whole Book of Psalms Faithfully Translated into English Metre, or The Bay Psalm Book (revised version 2019-06-01)
The Preface, at least in draft, is thought to have been written by John Cotton. This is the first book to be printed in America. Taken from the 1903 facsimile reprint by Dodd, Eames and Company of New York with an Introduction by Wilberforce Eames (1855-1937)
John Cotton: God's Mercy Mixed with his Justice
John Cotton: A Brief Exposition of the Whole Book of Canticles (1655 edition)
Not the same as the one that appears below with the Ecclesiastes exposition. The Greek and Hebrew is still being checked.
John Cotton: A Brief Exposition with practical observations upon the whole Book of Ecclesiastes (1657 edition)
John Cotton: The Way of Life (Revised version 2019-06-06)
John Cotton: A Practical Commentary, or an Exposition with Observations, Reasons, and Uses upon The First Epistle General of John by that pious and worthy Divine Mr. John Cotton, Pastor of Boston in New-England. (this is the 1651 edition, which differs markedly from the heavily edited 1961 Sovereign Grace edition)
John Cotton: Christ the Fountain of Life (sermons on 1 John 5)
This is a new version (2019-06-04) showing original line breaks
John Cotton: God's Promise to his Plantation
John Cotton: The True Constitution of a Particular Visible Church
The third edition, published in 1644, has the title "The Doctrine of the Church, to which is committed the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven".
John Cotton: Letter to Lord Say and Seal
Published in Thomas Hutchinson,
History of Massachusetts Bay (1764)
John Cotton: A Sermon . . . Delivered at Salem, 1636
John Cotton: A Copy of a letter of Mr Cotton of Boston, in New England, sent in answer of certain Objections made against their Discipline and Orders their directed to a Friend. With the Questions propounded to such as are admitted to the Church-fellowship, and the Covenant it self.
John Cotton: The Way of the Churches of Christ in New England
John Cotton: The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Power Thereof
This is a new version (2017-04-17) showing original line breaks
John Cotton: The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Power Thereof and The Way of Congregational Churches Cleared
John Cotton: Preface to John Norton's Responsio ad totam questionum syllogen a Guilelmo Apollonio propositam (The Answer to the Whole Set of Questions of the Celebrated Mr. William Apollonius)
This whole work, including Cotton's Preface, is in Latin. It was translated by Douglas Horton and published by Harvard University Press in 1958.
A Platform of Church Discipline Cathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled in the Synod at Cambridge in New England (The Cambridge Platform)
Congregational Order: The Ancient Platforms of the Congregational Churches of New England; with a digest of rules and usages in Connecticut, and an Appendix, containing notices of Congregational bodies in other states (contains The Cambridge Platform; The Saybrook Confession of Faith; Heads of Agreement and Articles of Discipline, adopted at Saybrook, 1706; and details of the rules of association of several groups in New England)
John Cotton: Of the Holiness of Church Members
John Cotton: Certain Queries Tending to Accommodation and of Communion Presbyterian & Congregational Churches
John Cotton: A Defence of Mr John Cotton from the imputation of Self-Contradiction with an introduction by John Owen
John Cotton: Treatise of the Covenant of Grace
This is a new version (2017-04-16) showing original line breaks
John Cotton: A brief exposition with practical observations upon the The Song of Solomon (1642 edition)
John Cotton: A Brief Exposition With Practical Observations Upon the Whole Book of Canticles. Never Before Printed (1655 edition)This is different from the 1642 edition. This version (version 0) has some unreadable text, indicated by ???. We hope soon to have a version with these corrected (there is a copy in the Congregational Library and the British Library).
John Cotton: Commentaries on Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon (1648 edition) derived from the 1868 James Nichol edition. Full original title of the Ecclesiastes book is Brief Exposition with Practical Observations upon the Whole Book of Ecclesiastes.
John Cotton: An exposition upon the thirteenth chapter of the Revelation.
John Cotton: The Pouring out of the Seven Vials.
John Cotton: The Churches Resurrection, or the opening of the Fifth and sixth verses of the 20th Chap. of the Revelation.
John Cotton: The Covenant of God's Free Grace (sermon) with a profession of faith by John Davenport (1597-1670)
John Cotton: A Treatise of Mr. Cottons. Clearing certaine Doubts concerning Predestination. Together with an Examination thereof: written by William Twisse, D.D.
John Cotton: Treatise I. Of Faith. II. Twelve Fundamental Articles of Christian Religion. III. A Doctrinal Conclusion. IV. Questions and Answers upon Church-Government.
John Cotton: Sixteen Questions of Serious and Necessary Consequence, Propounded unto Mr. John Cotton of Boston in New-England. Together with his respective answer to each Question.
John Cotton: Several Questions of Serious and necessary Consequence, Propounded by the Teaching Elders, unto M. John Cotton of Boston in New-England. With his respective Answer to each Question.
John Cotton: Gospel Conversion (A Conference that Mr John Cotton had with the Elders of the Congregations in New-England) with an Introduction by Francis Cornwell
John Cotton: Milk for Babes. Drawn out of the Breasts of both Testaments.
John Cotton: The Controversy Concerning Liberty of Conscience in Matters of Religion (1649)
Roger Williams: Mr Cotton’s Letter Lately Printed, Examined and Answered The first shot in the paper war with Cotton over freedom of conscience
Roger Williams: The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution
John Cotton: The Bloody Tenent Washed and made white in the Bloud of the Lamb and A Reply to Mr. [Roger] Williams New version 2019-05-28
Roger Williams: The Bloody Tenent yet more Bloody (1652 edition) New version 2019-05-28
John Cotton: An Abstract, or The Lawes of New England as they are now established (1641 edition)A slightly expanded edition was published in 1655
John Cotton: A Discourse about Civil Government
John Cotton: Preface to John Norton's The Orthodox Evangelist
A.W. M'Clure: The Life of John Cotton
John Norton: Abel Being Dead Yet Speaketh (Life of John Cotton) 1842 edition edited by Enoch Pond
Richard Mather: Church Government and Church Covenant Discussed
Richard Mather: An Apology of the Churches of New England for Church-Covenant
Richard Mather and William Tompson: A Modest & Brotherly Answer to Mr Charles Herle his Book, against the Independency of Churches (The True Use of Synods)
A Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline by Thomas Hooker
(This was often bound with John Cotton's The Way of the Churches of Christ in New England, as with the Princeton Library copy that can be downloaded)
An Apologetical Narration Humbly submitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament by Thomas Goodwin, Philip Nye, Sidrach Simpson, Jeremiah Burroughes, William Bridge Goodwin and Nye, in their preface to The Keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven, say Cotton's church polity was what they argued for in this appeal. This is a new version tidied up in September 2018
PT Forsyth
P.T. Forsyth: Theology in Church and State
P.T. Forsyth: The Soul of Prayer
P.T. Forsyth: The Charter of the Church
P.T. Forsyth: The Roots of a World Commonwealth
P.T. Forsyth: The Roots of a World Commonwealth (US edition)
P.T. Forsyth: Rome, Reform and Reaction
P.T. Forsyth: Religion in Recent Art
P.T. Forsyth: Pulpit Parables for Young Hearers (redone 2023-07-31)
P.T. Forsyth: The Principle of Authority
P.T. Forsyth: Positive Preaching and Modern Mind
P.T. Forsyth: The Person and Place of Jesus Christ
P.T. Forsyth with Dora Greenwell: The Power of Prayer
P.T. Forsyth: Missions in State and Church
P.T. Forsyth: Marriage: Its Ethic and Religion
P.T. Forsyth: The Justification of God
P.T. Forsyth: Intercessory Services for Aid in Public Worship
P.T. Forsyth: The Holy Father and the Living Christ (Silent Hours Booklet)
P.T. Forsyth: The Holy Father and the Living Christ (1897 edition)
P.T. Forsyth: The Cruciality of the Cross (original) and The Work of Christ (revised reprint)
P.T. Forsyth: The Work of Christ (original edition) (redone 2023-08-01)
P.T. Forsyth: Church, Gospel and Society
P.T. Forsyth: Lectures on the Church and Sacraments
P.T. Forsyth: Christian Perfection
P.T. Forsyth: The Christian Ethic of War
P.T. Forsyth: Christ on Parnassus
P.T. Forsyth: Socialism, the Church and the Poor
P.T. Forsyth: Faith, Freedom and the Future
P.T. Forsyth: Revelation Old and New
P.T. Forsyth: Baldwin Brown: A Tribute, Reminiscence and a Study (1884)
P.T. Forsyth: Baldwin Brown: A Tribute, Reminiscence and a Study (as published as a separate booklet)(1884)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Mystics and Saints (1894)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: The Slowness of God (1900)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: The Problem of Forgiveness in the Lord’s Prayer (1903)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Evangelical Churches and the Higher Criticism (1905)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: A Rallying Ground for the Free Churches: The Reality of Grace (1906)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: The Atonement on Modern Religious Thought (1907)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Immanence and Incarnation (1907)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: The Faith of Jesus (1909)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Christ and the Christian Principle (1911)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Faith and Mind (1912)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Intellectualism and Faith (1913)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Our experience of a triune God (1914)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Regeneration, Creation, and Miracle (1914)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Faith Metaphysic and Incarantion (1915)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Veracity, Reality and Regeneration v1 (1915)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: The Preaching of Jesus and the Gospel of Christ (1915)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: The First and Second Adam (1916)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Christ’s person and his cross (1917)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: The Efficiency and Sufficiency of the Bible (1917)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: The Christianity of Christ and Christ our Christianity (1918)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Evangelicals and Home Reunion (1918)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: The Reality of God: A Wartime Question (1919)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: The Foolishness of Preaching (1919)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: The Inner Life of Christ (1919)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Unity and Theology: A Liberal Evangelicalism the True Catholicism (1919)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Religion Private and Public (1919)
P.T. Forsyth: Article: Does the Church Prolong the Incarnation (1920)
Odd ends
Paxton Hood: Christmas Evans - The Preacher of Wild Wales, with the Sermons contained in the D. Stephens biography
David Davies: Echoes from the Welsh Hills
David Davies: John Vaughan and his Friends The follow uo to Echoes from the Welsh Hills
David Dickson: Exposition of Matthew
William Thorn: Modern Immersion not Scripture Baptism (1831)
Robert Boyte C. Howell: The Evils of Infant Baptism (1852)
C Silvester Horne: The Story of the London Missionary Society
W. J. Townsend: Robert Morrison of China
C.H. Spurgeon: Twelve Realistic Sketches taken at home and on the road by a Travelling Correspondent
Mrs Bryson of Tiensin: The Story of James Gilmour and the Mongol Mission
James Gilmour: Among the Mongols
Richard Lovett: James Gilmour of Mongolia, his diaries, letters and reports
Richard Lovett: More about the Mongols
Richard Lovett: James Gilmour and his Boys
Richard Lovett: James Gilmour of Mongolia (abridged)
W.P. Nairne: Gilmour of the Mongols
James Denney: The Death of Christ & The Atonement and the Modern Mind
James Denney: The Christian Doctrine of Reconciliation
The Memoir of Edward Payson, D.D.
Theodore L. Cuyler, D.D.: How to be a Pastor
Rudolph Stier: Commentary on the Epistle of James
Robert Patterson: Who wrote the Book of Mormon?
Website Redesign
Thanks to Phillip A. Ross, who has redesigned our website. He is the owner of PARoss Services in the USA, which provides marketing consultation, graphic design, website design (WebProper.com), and Internet advertising (NetLocalAds.com). Ross is also a Christian minister (Pilgrim Platform) and is working on a Ph.D. from Whitefield Seminary. This summer he published four books, two second editions and two first editions. PARoss Services also provided the cover designs. The books are now available for on-line purchase.