If you want to see what the CD-ROM contents will look like you can download samples (pages 3 to 20 of each reset volume). These do not include the indexes, and hyperlinks beyond page 20 will not work.
Journals of George Whitefield (212kB)
Works Volume 1 (176kB)
Works Volume 2 (196kB)
Works Volume 3 (216kB)
Works Volume 4 (168kB)
Works Volume 5 (152kB)
Works Volume 6 (144kB)
Additional Sermons (188kB)
Additional Letters (160kB)
Hymn Book (196kB)
James Paterson Gledstone's Biography (156kB)
Robert Philip's Biography (180kB)
Anecdotes of George Whitefield (272kB)
John Gillies' Biography (164kB)
JR Andrews' Biography (148kB)
Dr Digby L. James -
Sycamore, Vicarage Lane, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, England, SY10 7RE
Tel: 01691 778659
Fax: 01691 777638
Den Hertog Uitgeverij - Boekhandel,
Kees de Wildt / Import dept.,
Elzenkade 6,
3992 AC Houten,
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)30 634 66 98 (direct line)
Fax: +31 (0)30 634 66 88
Home > George Whitefield“New” Sermons of George Whitefield (click here))
For a list of all published sermons of George Whitefield click here
For information about a new fuller and corrected edition of George Whitefield's Journals click here
For a range of photographs related to Whitefield click here
Below the sample files from the CD on the left appear a sample Whitefield sermon, The Gift of the Holy Spirit the Common Privilege of all Believers, and some biographies of Whitefield which are not on the CD.
£60 (about US$125)The Works of George Whitefield
Adobe Acrobat PDF format on CD-ROM for Apple Macintosh, Linux and Windows 95 (and above) computers. Installers for Adobe Acrobat will be included on the CD-ROM if you don't already have it.
This is a facsimile AND reset (ie, readable) version of the 1771/1772 edition including letters, tracts and sermons plus additional sermons published in the 19th century, Gillies 1772 memoir of Whitefield, Whitefield's Journals, Whitefield's Tabernacle Hymn Book and some additional letters that have been published in the 20th century, a book of Whitefield Anecdotes, Gledstone's biography, Andrews biography, Philip's biography, Tyerman's biography (as facsimile only), images of Whitefield paintings from some of the old books and some photographs of Whitefield related places in and around Gloucester, Bristol and Newburyport.
This is (God willing) a prelude to the publication of a fuller edition of Whitefield's works in the future. So far we have found a number of letters and about twenty-five sermons.
We are also working on a new edition of Whitefield's Journals. It appears that the William Wale edition of 1905 (which is the basis of the Banner of Truth edition) is missing significant amounts of text when compared to those published in the 18th century.
£18.00 (+£3.00p&p)Anecdotes of George Whitefield
If you have never heard of George Whitefield, he is considered by many the greatest evangelist since the Apostles. Certainly he has the best claim to being the greatest English speaking preacher (Martyn Lloyd-Jones rated Daniel Rowlands a better preacher, but then Rowlands was Welsh, as was the Doctor!). Whitefield was a humble man and bemoaned his tardiness. He only preached for about 40 hours per week, living on about 6 hours sleep a night. Though he regularly preached to open-air crowds often numbered in the tens of thousands, he considered that he lived in a day of small things. He crossed the Atlantic 13 times, dying in America on 30 September 1770 in the parsonage at Newburyport.
"You render a major service by producing this item. As a Whitefield enthusiast I am overjoyed to find what you have done and will do all I can to ensure that fellow enthusiasts know about it." —JI Packer, Regent College, Vancouver

There is some confusion over Whitefield's place and date of birth. The date confusion is due to the change of the calendar from Old Style (Julian) to New Style (Gregorian that we now use) in 1752. 11 days were skipped to bring the calendar back in line with the seasons. This caused rioting at the time with people believing that the government had stolen 11 days of thier lives. Whitefield was born on 16 December 1714 (Old Style) or 27 December 1714 (New Style). (According to Harry Stout in The Divine Dramatist, Whitefield was born in The Bell Inn, Southgate Street, Bristol. In fact it was The Bell Inn, Southgate Street, Gloucester (the Old Bell Inn which was next to the Bell is still standing - the peppered steak I had there in 1988 was delicious!). Stout also gets the location of Whitefield's wedding wrong. He was married at Caerphilly, not Abergavenny (where Elizabeth was from). He gets the date, title and source of Whitefield's first sermon wrong too. This does not inspire confidence in the rest of his book.)

The Old Bell Inn, Southgate Street, Gloucester
Although there is a For Sale sign outside, it was withdrawn from sale in May 2000. The whole building is leased by Costa Coffee (worth buying a cappucino in there) and they sub-let the upper floors. In October 2007 a new sub-tenant was being negotiated).
Do not confuse different Bell Inns with this one. One book has a photo of the Bell Inn Moreton-in-Marsh. The danger of not understanding English geography and relying on the Internet!

George Whitefield was born on 27 December 1714 (16 December 1714 on the Julian Calender) in the Bell Inn, which was to the right of the Old Bell (it's now a parade of modern shops)

Bust of George Whitefield made after his death.
Located in the Gloucester City Museum

Plaque commemorating the eight week ministry of Whitefield in Bermuda in 1748. His Journal of his stay there is found in John Gillies' Memoir of Whitefield. The plaque is in Christ Church Presbyterian church in Warwick, Bermuda (not in St George as Dallimore incorrectly states on page 224 of volume 2 of his biography of Whitefield. Warwick is ten miles westward down the island).
(Photograph courtesy of Stephen Macaulay, Glasgow)
On his first visit to Georgia, Whitefield saw a great need to provide for the many orphans of the colony and established an orphanage, which he called Bethesda, a house of mercy, south-east of Savannah. You can have an aerial view of modern Bethesda (all the original buildings burnt down after Whitefield's death) using Google Earth. The coordinates are 31 degrees 57 minutes 30.85 seconds North 81 degrees 5 minutes 35.44 seconds West.
More pictures taken by Dr Digby L. James related to Whitefield can be seen here
I don't mind people using these photographs in their own publications, but they are copyright and it would be nice if you asked permission and didn't assume (as one author (you know who you are Ray Comfort!) and publisher who has used these did) that as they're on the internet they're copyright free. They're not.