Audio Sermons preached in 2016
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You may care to also visit for a very large variety of sermons. Especially recommended is Paul Washer. The Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches also has sermons on its website, and also Congregational Studies Conference papers, including one by Dr James.
File sizes are between 3 and 6MB depending on the length of the sermon.
- Sermons preached in 2015
- New Year 2016: Planning the future 3 January 2016 (48' 35")
- Stewardship 10 January 2016 (59' 52")
- Biblical giving 17 January 2016 (48' 59")
- Why do we believe what we believe: Jesus Christ: God and man part 2 24 January 2016 (40' 40")
- Why do we believe what we believe: Jesus Christ: the perfect sacrifice 31 January 2016 (40' 37")
- Why do we believe what we believe: Jesus Christ: the propitiation for our sins 7 February 2016 (40' 56")
- Why do we believe what we believe: Jesus Christ: For whom did Christ die 14 February 2016 (42' 43")
- Why do we believe what we believe: Jesus Christ: Why did Jesus have to rise from the dead 21 February 2016 (45' 22")
- Why do we believe what we believe: Who is the Holy Spirit? 28 February 2016 (45' 21")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The work of the Holy Spirit 6 March 2016 (42' 17")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament 13 March 2016 (38' 46")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The gifts of the Holy Spirit 20 March 2016 (41' 44")
- Good Friday (at the Weston Rhyn Welsh Chapel) 25 March 2016 (25' 39")
- Easter Sunday (morning) 27 March 2016 (38' 52")
- Easter Sunday (evening) 27 March 2016 (35' 58")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The gifts of the Holy Spirit 3 April 2016 (48' 00")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The work of the Holy Spirit in salvation and sanctification 10 April 2016 (47' 58")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The work of the Holy Spirit in perseverance 17 April 2016 (46' 46")
- Why do we believe what we believe: Doctrine of the church part 1 24 April 2016 (43' 06")
- Why do we believe what we believe: Doctrine of the church part 2 1 May 2016 (45' 01")
- Why do we believe what we believe: Doctrine of the church part 3 8 May 2016 (54' 38")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The "Sacraments" 15 May 2016 (53' 53")
- The greatest commandment 22 May 2016 (37' 26")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The Lord's Supper 29 May 2016 (43' 14")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The meaning of baptism 5 June 2016 (37' 23")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The mode of baptism 12 June 2016 (52' 22")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The subjects of baptism part 1: infants 19 June 2016 (50' 34")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The subjects of baptism part 2: believers 26 June 2016 (51' 18")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The return of Jesus Christ 3 July 2016 (46' 27")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The final judgement 10 July 2016 (45' 58")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The intermediate state 17 July 2016 (40' 09")
- Why do we believe what we believe: The eternal state 24 July 2016 (45' 25")
- Responding to error 31 July 2016 (40' 09")
- Inter church relationships 7 August 2016 (37' 40")
- Our speech 20 August 2016 (39' 51")
- Prayer: Cain and Abraham 21 August 2016 (42' 07")
- Prayer: Moses 28 August 2016 (46' 56")
- Jackie Brown (Bridgenorth); Wheelock Congregational Church 124th Anniversary 3 September 2016 (32' 25")
- Prayer: Joshua 5 September 2016 (33' 32")
- Prayer: Hannah 11 September 2016 (45' 11")
- Prayer: Elijah (Harvest Sunday) 18 September 2016 (32' 51")
- Prayer: Daniel 25 September 2016 (40' 00")
- Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer 2 October 2016 (49' 54")
- "I will build my church" Matthew 16:18. Trevor Baker, Albanian Evangelical Mission 9 October 2016 (34' 9")
- Spanish Gospel Mission 16 October 2016 (51' 55")
- Prayer: Perseverence in prayer 23 October 2016 (39' 19")
- Prayer: The Pharisee and the Publican 30 October 2016 (40' 26")
- EFCC West Midlands Rally, Bridgnorth: Guy Fawkes and Oliver Cromwell: Two different approaches to parliamentary reform 5 November 2016 (46' 38")
- Prayer: In Jesus's name 6 November 2016 (40' 13")
- Prayer: For enemies 13 November 2016 (32' 18")
- Prayer: Believing prayer 20 November 2016 (40' 24")
- Prayer meetings 27 November 2016 (47' 28")
- What to ask for in prayer 4 December 2016 (41' 52")
- The Promise: Genesis 3:15 11 December 2016 (30' 00")
- The Forerunner: John the Baptist 18 December 2016 (33' 43")
- Understanding why Jesus came 25 December 2016 (31' 36")